I think the title says it all, right? You see, I don't have any particular theme to stick to today, but I do have a lot to say. That's why its going to be a huge mess.
Let me start with my new blog design. I did a little fixing up here and there, got a new background going on, and you can see the cover of the Christmas album is behind my blog title. You can also see that I have added a new page: The Lib-Calendar. The name is self-explanatory. I'm going to be running a calendar on this blog, and you can go right on ahead and check it whenever you feel like it! First order of business, complete.
Another thing I have to mention is that I live in the US, and there is going to be a major hurricane slamming into me on Saturday, which means power might go out for a few days to a few weeks. In the picture below you can see..... Hurricane Irene!!!
AAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!! It is so scary to think that this hunk of a swirling cloud is gonna smash into where I live.
I don't mean to make a bigger deal out of this than I should, but I've never been in a hurricane before. This would be my first. And, I'm a little scared, yes I am. But you see, that's not the point. I'm probably not going to get on this blog for a while since the power is going to be knocked out. Goodbye Libera! Goodbye, blog! If I live through this(which I'm almost 100% positive that I will), I'll tell you the experience of being in a major hurricane. Or typhoon, or whatever it's called where you live.
Also, I've been looking around, and I found the list of songs to be on the Christmas Album. Thank you to the Mini Angels bloggers! And also to madinelover! These are supposed to be a few of the songs( Mini Angels said 16) on the album. Hmmmm, Lullabye? Is it going to be the one on the Peace album? I'd like that!
Carol of the Bells
Veni Veni Emmanuel
Corpus Christi Carol
Still, Still, Still
The First Nowell
and Lullabye
Here's your album cover! Now, all we have to do is be patient.
Hehehe maybe Josh will get another solo...
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
Reporting Live from LiberaNews
1. Libera in the Phillipines
As you have most likely heard from either the Official Libera website, or a more informed blog than my own(and most of the things I know come from our beloved madinelover, Inna, Lexi and Lauren, and many others. Thank you guys for keeping me on the line with all of the news), Libera is officially going to the Phillipines in October!
We are delighted to announce that we will be visiting the Philippines from 23rd to 29th October. Further details will be published shortly.
That's what they said! 2011 has really been a major tour year, right? First Canada, which was the first time there for them. Then, US, which was actually the biggest and most effective tour I have heard they did. And now the Phillipines? This is great! What this means is that 1) Libera's fan numbers will shoot up like a rocket and 2) they are gaining enough funds to go to more places. Which brings me to my next subject.
2. World Libera Day
This is just confirming that the number of fans are rising. A World Libera Day? When I first found out, I thought I was dreaming. Holy Josh Madine!!!! So this day is going to be on November 1st every year from now on. Libera has their own day now. I can't believe it. This is awesome!!!
So as you can see in this video, uploaded by adrianuwant3 on Youtube, the world is teaming up for Libera and all the fans across the world are going to help by raising funds for them.The video listed some things you can do to raise money, but to tell the truth, that list is endless. I'm going to make a mini list here:
1) Buy something of theirs. A CD, DVD, whatever they put on sale! It all goes to them.
2) Go to their concert. Remember, this can be done on a day other than WLD(World Libera Day). If you go to their concert, you are supporting them as a fan, and also financially. And you'll get all excited too!
3) Host some sort of an event that costs money for Libera. The video mentioned something about tea, and whatnot. This is one thing you can do on WLD and be as creative as you want. A lemonade stand, bake sale(people are really attracted to food, for some reason), party, movie night, car wash, anything you want!
4) Do odd jobs for people. If you tell them the money is going toward a good cause, then they'll probably let you do it. Mow lawns, walk dogs, babysit, again, the possibilities are endless. Ask your boss for a bonus for Libera, for cryin out loud. It might work!
5) Share Libera with a friend. Think of all those people out there who don't have the beautiful music of Libera boys to listen to. Just start up a conversation, and then let them borrow, or even keep a CD. Sooner or later, with patience, they might become a fan and take part in the next World Libera Day.
If all us fans rally together like that, then heaven knows Libera will outdo Justin Bieber(in who I personally take no liking). They'll be in Hollywood like [snap] that!
3. Christmas Album
The rumors were swirling earlier in the year, and in July, Libera personally assured us that the rumors really were correct.
July 20th, 2011 by Libera
We have been very busy recently. Of course we have been preparing for our forthcoming USA tour, but we have also been recording a NEW ALBUM. This will be a first for Libera, because it is a Christmas album - and it is due for release later in the year.
So please look out for more news of this soon!
As you can see, Libera is going to record a new album! A Christmas one, to be exact. Now, I'm pretty sure for the boys, it must have been weird to start recording Christmas in July, but for us it is very good news because it means the album will come out before Christmas, which means that we have plenty of time to write our letters to Santa. Haha. Or buy them for others. What's more, because of this special album, Libera will be going on a trip to the Phillipines to get the promo going. And as you can see, we are exactly where we started.
It was really fun to catch up on some Libera news. But before I end this post, I have to put up the link for the Christmas Album cover. The website isn't letting me put any pictures up right now, but I will try later. For now, click here to get to London in Love, which is madinelover's blog. Thank you for your post!
Reporting Live from LiberaNews. Back to you.
A Late and On Time Birthday
Well, on Saturday, I was at a place where I had no internet connection, so unfortunately I could not say a very happy birthday to our dear Joseph Platt. I'm sorry about that. But I can at least say it now
On Saturday, August 20, Joe turned a whopping 20 years old. I was never aquainted with this particular singer, so I decided to do a little research on youtube. Man, this kid(when he was a kid) had a VOICE!! I watched a tribute video made for him, thanks to luminosaglory, the maker. I was expecting something more, how should I say.. olden from him since he was in Libera about three generations before the present one. I was astonished! The video started and this gorgeous, lilting melody poured from the speakers. His voice has such a sunny tone to it, and that, blended with the piety in his singing just blew me away. I'm sorry, Joe, for not recognizing your talent until now.
Here's the video. Thank you, again to luminosaglory for making this.
Now, to the present, we have an on-time birthday today. Alfie Smart is turning 13 years old today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!
Our dear Alfie, on this date of August 24, is officially a teenager. You know, I miss this kid so much. When I became aquainted with the newer Libera generation in 2010, his name was among the first I remembered. And then, just as he came, he was gone again :( Well, as it turns out, Alfie joined Libera in 2008, and left last year. There are some who are still suspecting him to be part of the choir, but in my opinion, if he was still in Libera, he would have come on the Canada or Us tour, or both, and he went on neither. I'm not sure of his singing any solos during his time in the choir, but he was really adorable. Here's a little tribute video off of Youtube, with much gratitude to MrJoesnelling, who happens to make quite a lot of Libera videos.
Well, that's our birthdays. Check in again in two days, because we have another birthday to celebrate :)
On Saturday, August 20, Joe turned a whopping 20 years old. I was never aquainted with this particular singer, so I decided to do a little research on youtube. Man, this kid(when he was a kid) had a VOICE!! I watched a tribute video made for him, thanks to luminosaglory, the maker. I was expecting something more, how should I say.. olden from him since he was in Libera about three generations before the present one. I was astonished! The video started and this gorgeous, lilting melody poured from the speakers. His voice has such a sunny tone to it, and that, blended with the piety in his singing just blew me away. I'm sorry, Joe, for not recognizing your talent until now.
Here's the video. Thank you, again to luminosaglory for making this.
Now, to the present, we have an on-time birthday today. Alfie Smart is turning 13 years old today! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!
Our dear Alfie, on this date of August 24, is officially a teenager. You know, I miss this kid so much. When I became aquainted with the newer Libera generation in 2010, his name was among the first I remembered. And then, just as he came, he was gone again :( Well, as it turns out, Alfie joined Libera in 2008, and left last year. There are some who are still suspecting him to be part of the choir, but in my opinion, if he was still in Libera, he would have come on the Canada or Us tour, or both, and he went on neither. I'm not sure of his singing any solos during his time in the choir, but he was really adorable. Here's a little tribute video off of Youtube, with much gratitude to MrJoesnelling, who happens to make quite a lot of Libera videos.
Well, that's our birthdays. Check in again in two days, because we have another birthday to celebrate :)
Friday, August 12, 2011
Overview of the Tour
Here I am, at my house, thinking of what to write about Libera's tour because I didn't get to go see them. I really wish I could have gone, but problems popped out of nowhere, and suddenly, I couldn't go. What a great dissapointment. But on the bright side, me, and all the other people like me who didn't have a chance to see Libera with our own eyes, have something called the Internet to help us connect. Thank God for the Internet!
Okay. As you probably already know, a Libera member wrote a series of blog posts, and they are on the Official Libera Website. Here is the First Blog Entry, and this one is the Second, and finally the Third one. Overall, I think they are VERY cute, because whoever wrote them sounds like a mini news reporter. Also, they are really informative. These Libera kids are so bright, and they know how to make us pay attention while having a good laugh at the same time. I hope they had fun on the tour.
So, this is the overview of everything that happened on the USA 2011 Summer Tour of Libera:
First, they traveled by plane to Minnesota, where they would have their first concert. They got to their hotel, slept nice and sound, and did rehearsals the next day. Can you imagine that?? You just traveled about 5,000 miles, and after a short sleep(disturbed by time difference) you wake up in the morning and have to be fresh and upbeat for a series of rehearsals. Harsh schedule, huh? Well, I think they pulled it off. I know I would have dropped dead asleep on the floor halfway through rehearsal time.
Then they took a field trip to the Cathedral in St. Paul, to find it to have a living hell of a temperature. Luckily, they had fans to cool them down. No, not fans as in people fans who cheer, but electric fans that produce cool air. Yes, those fans. Lol.
They went to the Gala Concert venue, where they saw none other than Miley Cyrus, and loads of auction items.
Next they went to a science museum to watch a King Tut movie. I think it was in an Imax Dome theater because they mentioned in the blog that the screen was "ginormous" and that there was nothing to distract them from the movie. Awww, it was their first time at an Imax? That's great! I'm glad they liked it! By the way, if you haven't been to an Imax to see a movie, go and get a ticket RIGHT NOW!! It's amazing!

Anyway, the next day, they did the morning mass at the cathedral as well as participate in the Starkey Foundation Gala concert with Jon Rich. They met Bill Clinton, and Whoopi Goldberg, and took a picture with Miley Cyrus. You can see her in this picture above.
and she is in the middle of all the boys. This picture is courtesy to the Official Libera Website.
They stayed at Maddens Resort for two days where they did a great deal of playing sports, burning off calories and slimming down. Not like they need to, anyway. Then they performed their first actual concert at St. Mary's Basilica, which they said was a good start. Afterward, they took a ride down the Missisippi, swam in a the pool, and went to sleep. I bet they slept like babies :)
Well, I'll post the rest of that in a day or two. We need to let our brains take all of this in for a while. Good luck!
Okay. As you probably already know, a Libera member wrote a series of blog posts, and they are on the Official Libera Website. Here is the First Blog Entry, and this one is the Second, and finally the Third one. Overall, I think they are VERY cute, because whoever wrote them sounds like a mini news reporter. Also, they are really informative. These Libera kids are so bright, and they know how to make us pay attention while having a good laugh at the same time. I hope they had fun on the tour.
So, this is the overview of everything that happened on the USA 2011 Summer Tour of Libera:
First, they traveled by plane to Minnesota, where they would have their first concert. They got to their hotel, slept nice and sound, and did rehearsals the next day. Can you imagine that?? You just traveled about 5,000 miles, and after a short sleep(disturbed by time difference) you wake up in the morning and have to be fresh and upbeat for a series of rehearsals. Harsh schedule, huh? Well, I think they pulled it off. I know I would have dropped dead asleep on the floor halfway through rehearsal time.
Then they took a field trip to the Cathedral in St. Paul, to find it to have a living hell of a temperature. Luckily, they had fans to cool them down. No, not fans as in people fans who cheer, but electric fans that produce cool air. Yes, those fans. Lol.
They went to the Gala Concert venue, where they saw none other than Miley Cyrus, and loads of auction items.
Next they went to a science museum to watch a King Tut movie. I think it was in an Imax Dome theater because they mentioned in the blog that the screen was "ginormous" and that there was nothing to distract them from the movie. Awww, it was their first time at an Imax? That's great! I'm glad they liked it! By the way, if you haven't been to an Imax to see a movie, go and get a ticket RIGHT NOW!! It's amazing!

Anyway, the next day, they did the morning mass at the cathedral as well as participate in the Starkey Foundation Gala concert with Jon Rich. They met Bill Clinton, and Whoopi Goldberg, and took a picture with Miley Cyrus. You can see her in this picture above.
and she is in the middle of all the boys. This picture is courtesy to the Official Libera Website.
They stayed at Maddens Resort for two days where they did a great deal of playing sports, burning off calories and slimming down. Not like they need to, anyway. Then they performed their first actual concert at St. Mary's Basilica, which they said was a good start. Afterward, they took a ride down the Missisippi, swam in a the pool, and went to sleep. I bet they slept like babies :)
Well, I'll post the rest of that in a day or two. We need to let our brains take all of this in for a while. Good luck!
Happy Birthday to Ralph Skan!
Well, here we are. It's Ralph's birthday!
Dear Ralph,
You are an extremely talented young man! When I heard you sing The Fountain, I was stunned and very impressed to hear your lovely voice. Everyone's voice in Libera reminds me of something, and yours reminds me of the cooling breeze when you lie down under the shade of a tree during summer. Your music refreshes me when I hear you. Thank you so much for everything you do in Libera and will continue to do! Today you are a teenager. Wow that's really cool! Have fun and eat plenty of cake :)
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
I am going to start a new thing on this blog. Every first day of the month, I will post a listing of the Libera members whose birthday is in that month. Of course, I will have a special post on their actual birthday. Also, some of the people on the list will be older than some others. I just wanted to give them a chance to not be missed. After all, they were a part of Libera, too. Since I missed the first day of the month, I will do it today :) Oh yeah! And one other thing, I don't have everybody's birthday at the moment, like the newbies that just made it in. One day though, we will find out when they were born and we get to celebrate. We just have to be patient(especially me, because I'm excited to see when Matthew Madine was born XD)
Sam Coates: August 1
Sam, our Libera old faithful. Unfortunately, I missed his birthday by two days :( But it will be fun next August when I post the birthday listing AND do a happy birthday post on the same day.
Ralph Skan: August 12
It was great of him to tell us on the Fox 9 Interview :) Our dear Ralph will be turning 13. Sniffle, sniffle. They grow so fast :')
Joseph Platt: August 20
I was never that familiar with this Libera member, but there are some fans out there that remember the times when he was still with the choir. He will be turning 20 years old this month. Lol, turning 20 on August 20. That's a once in a lifetime opportunity!!!
Alfie Smart: August 24
Awww, Alfie! I miss the little squirt. I still wonder what happened to him. He will be turning 13 years old.
James Vereycken: August 26
Does he have a brother named Michael? I'm sure I've seen their last name somewhere...
James will be turning 18 this month.
Happy late birthday to Sam, and happy early birthday to Ralph, Joseph, Alfie, and James!
Interview on Fox 9
Yesterday, I went onto DearMadine's blog, Beautiful Strangers, and I found(to my complete bewilderment and overexcitement), an array of videos from a concert, and one very special news interview.. which happens to be the one that is in this post. I've been having trouble with uploading videos, for some reason, so if you can't watch it here, I strongly suggest that you go either to Beautiful Strangers and watch it there, or go to Youtube and type in 'libera interview fox 9'. It should be the first video that pops up. Oh yeah. thank you DearMadine for the information! I wouldn't have found out about this interview if she hadn't posted it first :)
Well, how should I start? I saw this interview and decided to watch it, probably because I saw beautiful Josh's name in the description under the video. So I watched it, quite absentmindedly. My brain wasn't focusing on what anyone said, but rather, on the absolutely gorgeous Josh Madine, all grown up, mature, and at least half a head taller than he was when I last saw him in the Song of Life music video. While he was talking, my mind was completely engrossed in the richness, smoothness, and silky texture of his now deep voice... and not to mention the British accent that added on to the experience.. I know I'm taking this a bit farther than I should, but come on people, think about it! This is probably the last we will see of beautiful, famous, Joshua Madine and his even more beautiful smile, and his unmistakable sweet, rich voice! Let's bask in the sunshine of his presence while we still can... or we'll regret it later.....
As for the interview, it turned out to be pretty good the second time I watched it, determined to overcome my weakness to Josh. I think all the boys did a good job with their answers, even though I thought the last question was pretty weird, because all of them seemed to answer it the same way. And Cassius really should stay and host the show :)
It's a little difficult to keep up with all that Libera is doing at the moment, but I promise I will work hard and do my best. For one, they will be doing a concert in St. Louis today. Good luck, Libera, and may the best audience be there to support you.
Oh yeah, I'm still unsure about my going to Frisco for the concert, but now that I actually saw Josh, I felt a little more relieved than I was before.
Well, how should I start? I saw this interview and decided to watch it, probably because I saw beautiful Josh's name in the description under the video. So I watched it, quite absentmindedly. My brain wasn't focusing on what anyone said, but rather, on the absolutely gorgeous Josh Madine, all grown up, mature, and at least half a head taller than he was when I last saw him in the Song of Life music video. While he was talking, my mind was completely engrossed in the richness, smoothness, and silky texture of his now deep voice... and not to mention the British accent that added on to the experience.. I know I'm taking this a bit farther than I should, but come on people, think about it! This is probably the last we will see of beautiful, famous, Joshua Madine and his even more beautiful smile, and his unmistakable sweet, rich voice! Let's bask in the sunshine of his presence while we still can... or we'll regret it later.....
As for the interview, it turned out to be pretty good the second time I watched it, determined to overcome my weakness to Josh. I think all the boys did a good job with their answers, even though I thought the last question was pretty weird, because all of them seemed to answer it the same way. And Cassius really should stay and host the show :)
It's a little difficult to keep up with all that Libera is doing at the moment, but I promise I will work hard and do my best. For one, they will be doing a concert in St. Louis today. Good luck, Libera, and may the best audience be there to support you.
Oh yeah, I'm still unsure about my going to Frisco for the concert, but now that I actually saw Josh, I felt a little more relieved than I was before.
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