Libera Members

This page is all about the current Libera members, and any past members that you would like to add. If you want to inform me about Libera members or if there is an older member important to you, remember you can always e-mail me at, or you can comment on my last post with the request.

Much thanks to Libera360 for helping me out with some of the names and pictures :)

This page is going to be under "construction" might I say, a lot of the time, mostly because members and leaving and newbies are floating in like the high tide(especially this year, have you noticed that?). So here goes:

Current Libera Members 2011:

Henry Barrington

Fun fact: he's old Jonathan Barrington's younger bro!

Alex Godden:

Profile currently being researched

Alex Leggett:

Age: 14
Fun Fact: He's my age! And he's Sam Leggett's brother. And cousin of Joshua Madine, Matthew Madine, and Jakob Wood. What a family!

Barney Lindsell:

Fun Fact: He was part of the music video Song of Life.

Baxter Ewan:

Profile currently being researched

Ben Fairman (aka Nano Ben):

Look at his adorable nano-cuteness! I could stick him on top of my ice cream and eat him up lol.

Fun Fact: His nickname is Nano Ben for reasons not known to me.

Ben Philipp (aka Mini-Ben, Medium Ben):

Ben Philipp has to be one of the Libera Superstars of Furious Five era(Furious Five being Josh Madine, Mini Ben, Thomas Cully, Liam Connery, and Sam Leggett). This guy has snuggled into everyone's heart from when he was a teeny tiny little kid, even until now. I loveeeee him sooooo much, and he is (hats down) one of my absolutely top ten favorite Libera guys. He's my mom's favorite, too. Here's to Mini Ben.

I can't think of a fun fact. He's too much.

Under Construction.............